Spineco Workwear
Spineco’s vision is to be the most ecological workwear company on the market. We want to be a reliable and recognisable brand and help our customers in building a better future.
Our values are customer-orientedness, style, environmental friendliness and durability. These are at the core of our day-to-day operations and guide our business decisions.
We design and manufacture work clothing from environmentally friendly materials. Our company operates on b2b-market, and our mission is to offer our customers an option that’s better the environment, as well as stylish and of top quality.
The story of the company began when three clothing industry professionals – Marika, Kai and Sani – and two business experts – Kateriina and Sakari – started working on an idea of starting an ecologically-oriented workwear company. Marika and Kai wanted a business focusing on sustainably and ecologically manufactured clothing; Sani had grown tired of the unsustainable business models of the textile industry; Kateriina and Sakari had for long wanted to work in a company in which they could affect environmentally important matters. Eventually when the company was started, Spineco was chosen as the name, from the words ‘spin’ (depicting the process of making fabric and clothing) and ‘ecological’.
71,2 million kilograms of textile are going into waste every year in Finland alone. The majority of it is not being recycled (Ympäristöhallinto 2015). Spineco wants to be an active player in creating solutions for this type of problems. We utilise recycled materials and offer services that help our customers take part in giving this potential material a new life.
Our brand products are made of lyocell, which is biodegradable, whose manufacturing process produces no harmful waste and when comparing to cotton for instance, requires considerably less water to make (this is true even with organic cotton). We want to focus on modern, genuinely ecological materials.
Our promise to our customers is that when buying from us, you receive a concrete way to implement green values into your business. As our customer you can be a part of modern circular economy.
We would love to tell you more about our business and products!
You can contact us through our website.
Ympäristöhallinto. 2015. Rikkinäisille tekstiileille erilliskeräys, tekstiilit pois jäte-voimaloista uudelleenkäyttöön ja kierrätykseen. Tiedote. Julkaistu 23.4.2015. Luettu 28.9.2020. https://www.ymparisto.fi/fi-FI/Kartat_ja_tilastot/Rikkinai-sille_tekstiileille_erilliskeray(33234)
Spineco Workwear
Spineco’s vision is to be the most ecological workwear company on the market. We want to be a reliable and recognisable brand and help our customers in building a better future.
Our values are customer-orientedness, style, environmental friendliness and durability. These are at the core of our day-to-day operations and guide our business decisions.
We design and manufacture work clothing from environmentally friendly materials. Our company operates on b2b-market, and our mission is to offer our customers an option that’s better for the environment, as well as stylish and of top quality.
The story of the company began when three clothing industry professionals – Marika, Kai and Sani – and two business experts – Kateriina and Sakari – started working on an idea of starting an ecologically-oriented workwear company. Marika and Kai wanted a business focusing on sustainably and ecologically manufactured clothing; Sani had grown tired of the unsustainable business models of the textile industry; Kateriina and Sakari had for long wanted to work in a company in which they could affect environmentally important matters. Eventually when the company was started, Spineco was chosen as the name, from the words ‘spin’ (depicting the process of making fabric and clothing) and ‘ecological’.
71,2 million kilograms of textile are going into waste every year in Finland alone. The majority of it is not being recycled (Ympäristöhallinto 2015). Spineco wants to be an active player in creating solutions for this type of problems. We utilise recycled materials and offer services that help our customers take part in giving this potential material a new life.
Our brand products are made of lyocell, which is biodegradable, whose manufacturing process produces no harmful waste and when comparing to cotton for instance, requires considerably less water to make (this is true even with organic cotton). We want to focus on modern, genuinely ecological materials.
Our brand promise to our customers is that when buying from us, you receive a concrete way to implement green values into your business. As our customer you can be a part of modern circular economy.
We would love to tell you more about our business and products!
Ympäristöhallinto. 2015. Rikkinäisille tekstiileille erilliskeräys, tekstiilit pois jäte-voimaloista uudelleenkäyttöön ja kierrätykseen. Tiedote. Julkaistu 23.4.2015. Luettu 28.9.2020. https://www.ymparisto.fi/fi-FI/Kartat_ja_tilastot/Rikkinai-sille_tekstiileille_erilliskeray(33234)